The subjects comprise a split-level unit together with basement with extensive frontage to both South Street and Jarnac Court.
Dalkeith is a principal town in Midlothian located approximately 26 miles south east of Edinburgh City Centre with a resident population of approximately 11,500 people.
The premises are located in a prime position in the heart of the town centre. The unit benefits from frontages to both Jarnac Court and South Street.
Gross Frontage (South Street) - 35 ft (10.67 m)
Gross Frontage (Jarnac Court) - 34 ft (10.37 m)
Upper Ground Sales - 1,228 sq ft (114.12 sq m)
Lower Ground - 663 sq ft (61.62 sq m)
Total - 1,891 sq ft (175.74sq m)
RENT - Rental offers in excess of £XXX per annum are invited.
RATEABLE VALUE - The subjects have a rateable value of £XXX
LEASE TERMS - The premises are available on the basis a new full repairing and insuring lease for a period of 10 years subject to 5 yearly rent reviews.