The premises comprise a double fronted unit arranged over the ground floor only and form part of a residential building under a flat roof.
Glasgow is Scotland’s largest city and has an immediate population of approximately 600,000 people and a retail catchment in the order of 2 million people.
Great Western Road provides one of the main arterial routes running through the West End of Glasgow. This area caters for the popular residential areas of Anniesland, Kelvindale and Jordanhill.
The premises are located on the south side of Great Western Road in a prominent corner position at Anniesland Cross.
Nearby occupiers include Lloyds Pharmacy, Domino’s Pizza, Subway, Poundland, Boots the Chemist, Black and Lizars Opticians and the Morrisons Supermarket development including the Gym Group, Lidl and Costa.
The approximate net internal area is as follows:
Ground floor - 1,600 sq ft (148.64 sq m)
LEASE TERMS - The premises are available on the basis of a new full repairing and insuring lease for a minimum term of 10 years subject to 5 yearly upward only rent reviews.
RENT/PRICE - On request.
Rateable Value £31,500
Commercial Rate Poundage £0.498 (exclusive of water and sewerage rates).
PLANNING - Class 1.
LEGAL COSTS - Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in connection with this transaction with the ingoing tenant to be responsible for Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT) and registration fees.
ENTRY - By agreement.
ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE - Further details available upon request.