The premises comprise a lock up shop unit extending over ground, basement and sub basement levels the latter having rear service access via Maryville Avenue.
There is a single toilet compartment in the principal basement.
The accommodation lends itself to a variety of retail uses.
The property forms part of a two storey basement and sub basement period building having residential flats on the first floor level.
We understand that the subjects form part of a Grade C building. Interested parties are recommended to make their own enquiries in relation to planning matters.
A copy of the Energy Performance Certificate is available to interested parties.
The property occupiers a prominent trading location on the west most side of Fenwick Road (A77) a short distance south from the junction with Park Road.
Giffnock is a popular and affluent suburb on Glasgow's south side.
Traders in the vicinity comprise a good combination of national multiples together with established/niche outlets.
There is a comprehensive provision of facilities closeby including bus services and Giffnock Train Station.
The undernoted internal floor areas have been calculated in accordance with the RICS Code of Measuring Practice.
Ground floor 350 sq ft (32.51 sq m) or thereby
Basement 307 sq ft (28.52 sq m) or thereby
Sub basement 380 sq ft (35.31 sq m) or thereby
Rent £13,000 per annum exclusive of rates.
The subjects are held on modern full repairing and insuring lease terms until 21 August 2020.
The tenants have a right to break the lease at 21 August 2016 on provision of 6 months prior written notice time being of the essence.
There is a rent review on the 28 August 2016.
Our Clients are seeking to assign the present lease to a suitable tenant at nil premium.
The incoming assignee will be liable for the present tenant's reasonable legal fees together with incidental expenses and VAT incurred thereon.