The premises comprise a ground floor only retail unit
Cambuslang is approximately 5 miles south east of Glasgow City Centre. It has a resident population of over 22,000 and an estimated catchment of 300,000 within a fifteen-minute drive time. The property is located within Cambuslang Gate which is a major mixed commercial and residential development on the principle retail pitch of Main Street. 42,000 sq ft of the scheme is occupied by South Lanarkshire Council for office and civic uses including a health centre, registry, library and job centre. The development benefits from 165 free car parking spaces.
Ground Floor 165.9 sq m (1,786 sq ft)
RENT Rental offers in excess of £17,500 per annum exclusive are invited.
SERVICE CHARGE The current on account service charge for this unit is £2,204 per annum exclusive.
RATING The rateable value of the property is as follows: Rateable Value £21,750 Commercial Rate Poundage £0.498 (exclusive of water and sewerage rates)
EPC A copy of the EPC will be made available as required.
VAT All figures are quoted exclusive of VATb
USE Class 1A (Retail).