The property comprises a ground floor retail unit fronting West Blackhall Street. it has a single entrance door and display windows to either side.
Internally, the property is arranged at ground floor level only, with a front sales area and a rear area providing storage, staff and toilet facilities. There is a fire escape at the back of the shop leading onto West Burn Street.
Greenock is situated some 20 miles west of Glasgow and has a resident population of approximately 50,000.
The property occupies an excellent town centre location. It benefits from considerable passing footfall and is close to the main entrance to the oak Mall Shopping centre.
We estimate that the property provides the following accommodation:
Ground Floor – 1,112 sq.ft. (103.3 sq.m.)
Terms - The property is available on the basis of a new full repairing and insuring lease, and rental offers in excess of £17,000 per annum are invited.
Planning - The property benefits from class 1 (retail) consent although may be suitable for alternative uses.
Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries directly with the local planning Department with regard to existing and alternative uses.
Rating - The subjects are currently entered in the Valuation roll as follows:
Rateable Value - £27,000
Uniform Business rate (2015/2016) - XXX