On offer is a ground floor retail unit with a return frontage and first floor storage, additionally there are WCs and a kitchen area.
The property is located within the primary shopping area of Broad Walk in Harlow. Forthcoming changes to the Use Classes regulations (September 2020) mean that a variety of uses are suitable for the premises without the need for a change of use application. The shop is situated in a terrace of shops near to the Terminus Street bus station and the Terminus Street car park.
Retail occupiers in close proximity are Shoe Zone and William H Brown
The property is located within the pedestrianised area of the town centre in Harlow. The town is situated on the Essex border with Hertfordshire and is approximately 30 miles from central London. The town is connected by the M11 at junction 7 and the A414, and London Liverpool Street can be reached in 30 minutes via the Stansted Express.
Ground Floor - 126.4 sq m (1,360 sq ft)
First Floor - 124.9 sq m (1,344 sq ft)
Total - 142.8 sq m (2,704 sq ft)
Terms - The premises are available on a new effective full repairing and insuring lease on terms to be agreed.
EPC - The EPC rating is F-135 – New EPC has been commissioned, Rating TBC
Rent - £31,000 per annum exclusive
Service Charge - The Service charge is £1,470.00 for the current year.
Buildings Insurance - Buildings Insurance is £601.00 for the current year.
VAT - All figures quoted are exclusive of VAT.
Business Rates - From the Local Rating Authority website, we understand the premises are assessed for rates as follows:
Rateable Value (2017) £32,750.00
Payable (2020/2021)* £16,342.25 *UBR rate of 0.499
Small businesses may quality for a Small Business Rate Relief of up to a 100% reduction of the above figure. Interested parties should satisfy themselves as to the rateable value and business rates payable by making their own enquiries of the Harlow Business Rates team on 01279 446688 or business.rates@harlow.gov.uk or an alternative would be to contact the Valuation Office Agency.
Costs - Each party to pay their own costsin this matter.
Planning - From 1st September 2020, changes to the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 (“the Use Classes Order”) will come into force that will enable many types of commercial premises to be repurposed without the need for a planning application and will allow for a quicker, and more streamlined response to ever changing business and local community needs. The recent changes announced by the UK Government will significantly amend the Use Class Order by replacing existing use classes A1 (shops), A2 (financial and professional services), A3 (restaurants and cafes) and B1 (business) with a new Class E (commercial, business and service). The effect of that will mean, subject to some exemptions, premises such as shops, restaurants, professional services, indoor sports centres, nurseries and offices will be able to change use within the new use class without having to obtain planning permission to do so.
- Within the town centre
- Very close to major retailers
- Variety of uses permitted as per the new planning rules
- Excellent location near to the bus station and parking
- 6.81 metre frontage with large Return frontage