The unit comprises a lock-up on ground floor within a traditional Scottish building of stone construction, under a timber pitched and slate clad roof.
Kilmarnock, population circa 48,000 persons is situated approximately 25 miles southwest of Glasgow and 15 miles north east of Ayr. The town has excellent road connections to Glasgow via the A77/M77 linking to the M8 motorway network and has excellent rail connections to the national network.
The unit occupies a prime position on the west side of King Street within the pedestrianised section adjoining Smile Studiol Dental Implant Centre and Salvation Army with Marks & Spencer and Boots directly opposite. Other retailers in the immediate vicinity include Optical Express and 02.
We estimate the shop has the undernoted principal dimensions;
Gross Frontage - 4.37m (14’ 4”)
Net Frontage - 3.99m (13’ 1”)
Internal Width (max) - 3.94m (13’ 0”)
Shop Depth (max) - 13.43m (44’ 0”)
Net Area - 39.66m² (427 ft²)
ENERGY PERFORMANCE CERTIFICATE - A copy of the EPC and Recommendation Report will be made available as required.
VAT - All terms are quoted net of VAT where applicable.
RENT - Offers in the region of £12,500 per annum exclusive of VAT.
LEASE - The subjects are available on a new full repairing and insuring lease subject to upward only rent review.
RATING ASSESSMENT - The Scottish Assessors Association website indicates that effective 1st April 2025 the property has a Rateable Value of £8,500.
UBR (’24/’25): £0.498
A new occupier may qualify for 100% Small Business Relief of Rates. Applicants are recommended to check with the Local Authority.
LEGAL COSTS - Each party will bear their own legal costs in the documentation of this transaction and, in the usual manner, the ingoing tenant will be responsible for any registration fees and, if appropriate, LBTT.
ENTRY - By agreement.
AML - To comply with Money Laundering Regulations we are legally required to undertake due diligence on prospective purchasers/tenants which will at a minimum include proof of identity/address and funding. Applicable documentation will therefore be required on agreement of Heads of Terms.