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Double Fronted Shop Unit, 323-323A London Road, Mitcham, CR4 4BE
2,678 Sq Ft / Retail / General Retail
Let - Last updated: 18 May 2017
The property comprises a double-fronted aluminium framed shopfront, previously used as an automotive parts store. The building has access from the rear and the front of the unit and includes male and female WCs. The shop flows to the back of the block with an extension protruding further from the block.
The property is situated fronting London Road in Mitcham's industrial area. The property is highly visible to passing vehicle traffic as London Road is a busy through-fare road and bus route. Traders in the area consist of a William Hill, Café, and the Job Centre. London Road is especially busy during peak times as rush-hour traffic flows through the area. There are parking bays located at the rear of the building.
Gross Frontage - 11.25 metres
Shop Depth - 77 ft
Gross Area - 2,678 sq ft
TENURE - The property is offered by way of a new lease, the length of which is to be negotiated.
USE/PLANNING - We understand the property currently falls within Class A1 (General Retail) of the current Town and Country (Use Classes) Order, and would suit a variety of trades. Prospective purchasers/tenants are advised to make their own enquiries of the local Planning Authority concerning existing and potential changes of use prior to offer.
RENT - An initial rent of £25,000 (twenty five thousand pound) annum exclusive is sought.
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