The premises comprise a modern retail building with fully glazed frontage arranged over the ground floor only . The rear staff / storage area is at a raised level.
The premises also have a separate means of escape to the rear.
Musselburgh is a popular market town approximately 5 miles east of Edinburgh city centre. Musselburgh has a resident population of approximately 21,900 people, and draws on a wider catchment population for the rest of East Lothian and East Edinburgh.
The subject premises occupy a prominent corner position on the edge of the High Street, which is the primary retail thoroughfare for the town.
The subjects are positioned a short walk from a large Tesco Extra which is located to the east of the High Street.
We have measured the premises in accordance with the RICS Code of Measuring Practice 6th Edition (2015). The main gross internal areas are as follows:
Ground Floor Sale - 6,465 sq ft (600.60 sq m)
Staff / Storage Area - 5,129 sq ft (476.48 sq m)
RENT - Upon application.
RATING - We are verbally advised by the local Assessors department that the subjects are entered in the Valuation Roll from April 2023 as follows:
Rateable Value £65,300
Commercial Rate Poundage £0.511
Rates Payable £33,368
LEASE TERMS - The premises are available on the basis of a new Full Repairing and Insuring lease for a minimum term of 10 years subject to 5 yearly upward only rent reviews.
PLANNING - The premises are suitable for Class 1A (Retail) consent for retail, office and restaurant consents.
The premises may also be suitable for other leisure uses subject to securing the necessary planning consents.
LEGAL COSTS & VAT - Each party is to be responsible for their own legal costs incurred in connection with this transaction with the ingoing Tenant to be responsible for Land and Buildings Transaction Tax (LBTT), registration fees and any VAT incurred thereon.
ENTRY - By agreement and subject to vacant possession.
EPC - EPC rating details available upon request.