Comprises a small lock up shop.
The premises incorporate a kitchen & wc.
Adjoining is a single lock up garage which may be available by separate negotiations.
The shop is situated just off Green Lanes and approached from Melbourne Avenue. The premises are well located to serve the local community with both Bowes Park Station and Palmers Green Station, (National Rail), within close proximity.
Internal width - 18’4”
Shop depth - 22’0”
Gross floor area - 403 sq ft approx
LEASE - A new full repairing and insuring lease to be granted for a term by arrangement subject to upward only rent reviews at 5 yearly intervals.
RENT - £12,000 per annum exclusive.
RATES - Obtained from the website the rateable value for 2024/2025 is £9,600 and currently will receive 100% relief under the Small Business Rates scheme. Interested parties should confirm annual rates payable with the Rating Authority.
LEGAL COSTS - Each party to be responsible for their own costs incurred.