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42 Cascades Shopping Centre, Portsmouth, PO1 4RR
443 Sq Ft / Retail / Shopping Centre unit
Withdrawn - Last updated: 21 December 2022
The Cascades is the predominant shopping centre in Portsmouth city centre, anchored by Primark, H&M and Next. Sports Direct are now open in 50,000 sq ft providing another anchor for the centre. On average (pre-Covid) the centre received 8 million visitors annually and is serviced by in excess of 1,000 adjacent car parking spaces.
The shop is located on Kingswell Path adjacent to Footasylum and in a busy parade of small shops before the likes of Next, TK Maxx and Primark. Other nearby retailers include Starbucks, Quiz and Warren James.
The premises are arranged over Ground Floor and Mezzanine, comprising the following approximate floor areas:
Ground Floor 443 sq ft (41.16 sq m)
Mezzanine 362 sq ft (33.63 sq m)
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