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Unit 6 Arndale Shopping Centre, Market Square, Shipley, BD18 3QQ
595 Sq Ft / Retail / General Retail
Withdrawn - Last updated: 15 March 2023
The unit forms part of The Arndale Shopping Centre and is well positioned on to Market Street. Internally the property provides a small open plan retail area on the ground floor with separate small office, kitchen and storage accommodation on the first floor. Shared staff w/c's are located within the centre. On street and pay & display parking is available close by.
Key Points
Prominent positionPart of a well established shopping centreNew lease available
An Energy Performance Assessment has been commissioned.
We understand the unit has E Class planning use but advise interested parties to make their own enquiries via the local authority.
The property is situated in the Arndale Centre in the heart of Shipley Town Centre and adjacent to the pedestrianised Market Square. This is a very prominent and busy retail location, which has the benefit of main road frontage to the Market Square in the main retail pitch of ShipleyTerms
The unit is available by way of a new effectively full repairing and insuring lease for a term to be negotiated and agreed at a commencing rental of £6,000 per annum exclusive of VAT, business rates, services, service charge, insurance and any other outgoings.
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