The property is a traditional two-storey semi-detached property of brick construction under a pitched slate roof. The subject of this letting is the commercial space to the ground floor only.
The main entrance door leads to a generous open plan shop, with w/c and storage to the rear. To the immediate front of the property is an open forecourt which could be utilised by an ingoing tenant.
The commercial unit is available for several uses including retail, beauty, café, clinic and office under Use Class E (commercial, business and service) of the Town & Country Planning Order 2020.
The property occupies a prominent trading position along Stockport Road West in Bredbury. Bredbury is a town in the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport, Greater Manchester, England, 8 miles south-east of Manchester, 2 miles east of Stockport and 3 miles south-west of Hyde. Other nearby users include ‘Bonny Bouncer’ childrenswear, North West Hardware, ‘Go Thai’ takeaway premise and Bredbury Pharmacy.
As measured on a net internal basis (NIA) in accordance with the RICS Property Measurement 1st Edition: -
Ground Floor 41.9 sq m (451 sq ft)
TERMS - The premises are available on a new effective FRI (fully repairing and insuring) lease for a minimum of 3 years and all other terms to be agreed.
RENT - £12,000 per annum.
BUSINESS RATES - Rateable Value (2023 List) - £6,300
100% Small Business Rates Relief may be available depending on the ingoing tenants’ individual circumstances. Interested parties are advised to make their own enquiries with the local authority.
VAT - We understand that VAT is not applicable to the rent on this property.
LEGAL COSTS - The ingoing tenant is to be responsible for the landlords’ reasonable legal fees in the preparation of the lease and associated documentation.
EPC - C(54)