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27 William Street, Windsor, SL4 1BB

5,313 Sq Ft / Retail / General Retail

To Let - £70,000.00 per annum

Available - Last updated: 18 February 2025

Commercial/Bar/Retail Premises - Windsor town centre - 5,313 sq ft


The unit is situated on William Street within the town centre and just of the main shopping area of Peascod Street and the popular Windsor Yards shopping centre. Local occupiers include The Royal Mail, Subway, Nationwide Bank, The Jelly Lounge, The Little Gym , Cafe Nero and Greggs.

Windsor is approximately 2 miles from junction 6 of the M4 motorway providing excellent access to the M25 and the nations motorway network. Heathrow Airport is a 15-minute drive. The town has two rail stations serving London Paddington/City (Elizabeth line) and London Waterloo and the Southwest.





The unit comprises a former bar laid out as a large open plan area with fitted bar to the rear of the trading area. It is situated on the ground floor with excellent frontage on to William Street and a small, fenced patio area. The previous occupiers have left the bar in-situ and chiller unit, which could be left in place subject to negotiations. To the rear of the bar is a tiled kitchen area and storage room previously used as a beer cellar. Male and female WC’s and staff changing facilities/locker room and WCs are provided. Loading access is via double doors off James Street.



  • Ground floor bar        
  • Fence Patio to front
  • Beer cellar
  • Built in freezer unit
  • Kitchen
  • Store
  • WC’s
  • Staff locker room
  • Managers office
  • Double rear delivery doors via service yard



Total  5,313 sq ft (493.60 sq m)





The accommodation is beiong offered on a new lease terms for a maximum period of three years.


Quoting rent £70,000 pax .


Unless otherwise stated rents and prices referred to or quoted in connection with this property do not include VAT which may be chargeable.


  • Fitted Bar
  • Small outside patio to the front
  • Air-conditioning
  • Beer cellar
  • Kitchen
  • WC's
  • Managers office
  • Rear delivery access

Property Quote Price(s)

DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
Letting To Let £70,000.00 per annum

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Mark Potter

Potter Associates

01753 415350

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