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Unit 14 Perrywood Business Park, Salfords, Redhill, RH1 5JQ

27,948 Sq Ft / Industrial / Distribution

For Sale - £4,000,000.00

To Let - £13.50 per sq ft

Available - Last updated: 10 March 2025


Unit 14 comprises a two storey detached hi-tech business unit of metal frame construction with attractive two-tone brick elevations. The front section of the ground floor is fitted out to provide a reception area, large breakout space, conference/training rooms and private offices. The rear section provides a storage and workshop area with two roller shutters, with the end section of the building being single storey with full height to the eaves.

The first floor office accommodation has a feature vaulted ceiling and provides spacious open plan office accommodation together with private offices and meeting rooms.

There are male and female WC facilities on both floors and two showers on the ground floor. There is vehicular access to both sides and the rear of the building with parking for approximately 76 cars together with a large front lawn providing an external amenity space.

Key Points

  • Rare mixed two strorey opportunity
  • Open plan office accommodation on first floor
  • Warehouse / workshop with 6.5m eaves on part ground floor
  • Large breakout, training and storage areas
  • Flexibility for internal reconfiguration
  • Site area of 1.26 acres
  • Excellent ESG with B EPC, roof solar panels and EV car chargers
  • 76 car parking spaces
  • 2 roller shutter loading doors
  • On-site estate security office
  • Location

    Perrywood is a well-maintained gated business park in a mature landscaped environment. There is a mix of office, hi-tech and warehouse buildings that attract a wide range of occupiers to the park.

    Salfords is an established business location, conveniently situated approximately 3 miles to the south of Redhill and 5 miles north of Gatwick Airport. Perrywood Business Park is accessed from Honeycrock Lane which links directly to the A23. The location has excellent road communications with access to the motorway network either via Junction 9 of the M25 at Gatwick Airport or via Junction 8 at Reigate.

    Salfords Railway Station is approximately a 5 minute walk via gated rear access from the site providing direct services to Central London via Redhill and south to Gatwick Airport and Brighton. There is a retail and restaurant parade together with a Premier Inn Hotel situated approximately 0.7 miles from the property on the main A23 Brighton Road.


    The building is available freehold or to let on a new lease on terms to be agreed.

    Property Quote Price(s)

    DescriptionSale typeGuide pricePrice type
      For Sale Freehold £4,000,000.00 NA
      To Let £13.50 per sq ft

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    Tim Hodges


    01737 400 117

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